standard How To Record Dual Monitors

One thing I get asked a lot is  “Can pcTattletale record two monitors?” – The answer is Yes.  But let me explain how it works.

Dual Monitor Video Recording

pcTattletale makes videos of everything they type on the screen.  When you have two or more monitors pcTattletale will record whichever monitor they are clicking on.  Then all the screens are mixed together as one common video.



The gaming computer above has 2 screens.  pcTattletale will show the screen they click on in the video so both screens show as one common video.  The picture below shows the pcTattletale video player with one video representing the activity one two or more screens:




Recording dual monitors is important to employers looking at employees who might be stealing from the company.  Supporting two or more monitors like this is another reason pcTattletale is considered the best windows keylogger on the internet.


User Activity is also recorded in the activity window.  You can search it no matter what monitor they were using.  Keep in mind pcTattletale treats it as one common video no matter what screen they click on:


As you can see pcTattletale has a clever way to deal with two or more monitors.  Give it a try on your multi monitor workstation and you too can see how well pcTattletale for you today.