standard Norton 360 How to Exclude from pcTattletale

Norton 360 will definitely not like pcTattletale recording your workstations.  The good news is with a little bit of work we can get both apps to play nicely together.

Setting everything up should take no more than 5 minutes.  Here is what you need to do:

  1. Exclude pcTattletale from Norton’s Scans
  2. Download and install pcTattletale
  3. Exclude pcTattletale from Norton’s Firewalls (once it see’s pcTattletale)

Sound pretty easy?  Do not worry it is.  All with easy to follow to screen shots.  So let’s get started.



Exclude pcTattletale from Norton Scans

First let’s open up Norton 360 and get it configured.


Open the Device Security and Settings:


Some Versions of Norton May look like this.  But you can still



Next Step: Exclude from Norton AntiVirus

Now let’s change the virus settings so it will not delete pcTattletale when we install it:



Look for “Scans and Risks”:



Now let’s exclude pcTattletale from the standard scans:



Copy and paste the pcTattletale file path below into Norton.  This way pcTattletale will already be excluded before you install it:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\scheduler


Just to keep things fun Norton makes us do this same process in a second place.  This will stop them from deleting pcTattletale on their real time and auto-protect scans:

Repeat the steps above for the Auto-Protect:


Copy and paste the same path as you did earlier:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\scheduler


Now pcTattletale is excluced enough from Norton to be able to install it.

Let’s go ahead on download and install pcTattletale next.

Install pcTattletale

Even though you have excluded pcTattletale from Norton it will still block it.  But do not fear.  We can get around it easily enough.

Login to your pcTattletale account and download the recording app:

Login Here

Click the login link above to login to your account.  Pick “account overview” at the top.  Then get your special download link:




When you download your browser may block pcTattletale.  Make sure to pick “Show all” to finish the download:

Once you unblock the file from your browser Norton will scan it and warn you about pcTattletale.  Wait a few seconds for this pop up to appear down by your clock:

TIP:  This pop up may take a few seconds to show up.  Just be patient.



View the details and you can exclude the pcTattletale download from Norton’s scans:


Confirm that you really want to do this:


Now you can download and install pcTattletale a second time.  This time it will install.

But Wait!  pcTattletale can not connect to the internet.  Here is our next problem to fix.  You should get this warning after installing pcTattletale:


Open Norton back up and press settings again:


This time lets pick “Firewall”:

Pick “program control”:


Now scroll to the bottom and look for “Windows Scheduler”.  Set it to “Allow”:


Now install pcTattletale one final time.  You should see the final “Success” screen like below:




Restart Computer

The last step is to restart your computer.  Then login.  Wait a few seconds.  Norton will alert you one last time about pcTattletale.  You need to allow it as an exception like the others you did above.

Unfortunately you will only see this screen one time ever.  I was not able to capture it for this blog post.


After that you should have no problems with Norton interfering with pcTattletale.  If you have any questions always make sure to contact us here.